Himalayan pink salt (also known as pink salt) is a compound of magnesium, potassium and sodium obtained by evaporating water. It is obtained by boiling water in a special container which results in the solidification of salt. The pink color is produced due to the iron content which is present in the salt. The term Himalayan comes from the Latin word ‘himal’ meaning high mountain or mountains. Today, the area covered by the Himalayan mountain range consists of countries such as India, Pakistan, Tibet, China, Nepal and Bangladesh.

pink himalayan salt

Himalayan salt can be found in many locations. It can be purchased easily from salt lamps stores and is available in different forms such as crystal salt, flakes, tablet or salt brine etc. It is available in small amounts, which makes it ideal for home usage. It is not advisable to use large amounts of this salt because of the dangerous effects associated with its large quantities. Himalayan pink salt has its share of health benefits because of the presence of trace elements such as calcium, bromine, iodine etc.

Calcium is one of the most important minerals needed by the body. It facilitates proper bone development and also plays a vital role in metabolizing proteins and creating new cells. There are many other minerals that contribute to the building of bones and teeth, but calcium forms the major part of all the minerals. This is why pink Himalayan salt contains small amounts of calcium which makes it highly useful as a supplement and in substituting calcium in milk and dairy products.

Calcium is one of the most important minerals that aid in bone growth and development. In fact, it is said that a young human body contains up to 75% of calcium while the older body gradually gets reduced due to the loss of many other important minerals. Pink Himalayan salt comes loaded with minerals and it is one of the health benefits of this salt. In addition to the above discussed minerals, it is also rich in sodium, potassium and magnesium. It is therefore easy to see why pink Himalayan salt proves to be an excellent and natural alternative to calcium in milk and other dairy products.

85 Since this salt has been mined in a remote region in the foothills of the Himalayas, it is one of the most pure and natural salts available. This makes it highly useful as it contains almost 8% of iron, zinc and copper. Among the other trace elements, it has one of the highest concentration of iodine which makes it highly useful in balancing the thyroid levels and regulating the digestive system.

In addition to these trace elements, pink salt caves are known to contain a lot of potassium, bromine and manganese. These trace elements are also responsible for the pink color of the salt. The Bromine and Manganese are important in curing anemia and neutralizing low blood sugar levels. Potassium is responsible for restoring the normal levels of the electrolyte sodium in the blood. All the health claims made by the manufacturers of this salt prove to be true.

One of the more important health claims that has been made with this salt is that it can cure ulcers. Unlike regular table salt, pink Himalayan salt contains trace amounts of iodine and Bromine which are said to prevent bacterial infections. This is because the Bromine is said to increase the effectiveness of the immune system. It is also responsible for preventing the formation of free radicals which are said to accelerate the development of cancerous cells. These free radicals speed up the process of aging and cause wrinkles and damage to the skin.

In addition to this, pink Himalayan salt also contains high concentrations of sodium and magnesium which are helpful in relieving arthritis symptoms and easing muscle spasms. These benefits are due to the presence of potassium and sodium chloride in the salt. These two sodium ions have the ability to increase the water content of our blood which is beneficial for the smooth functioning of the kidneys and the elimination of toxic waste from our body. Moreover, sodium and potassium are vital in preventing cramps and controlling the high levels of energy, so it makes sense that they would play an important role in reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke.

The pink Himalayan salt mined in the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains contains a substance called Fluorite which is a light pink colour. This mineral is said to be up to seven times more potent than diamonds and hence it is the salt of choice being used by jewelers world wide. This crystal salt is used to make salt lamps and rock salt. It is a popular remedy for stimulating the appetite as well as an aphrodisiac. Pink salt has been mined all over the world and it is now available in stores at affordable prices making it easy for anyone to add it to their diet.