This week is the final “Free iOS Apps” push from Apple as part of their September Product refresh. They have promised to continue to free themselves from royalty payments and excessive marketing so that consumers can take advantage of their massive range of apps for the Apple iPad. However there is still one condition; customers must also download the iPad Software Update 4.2. That update addresses the issues that were addressed in the last free ios apps of August, such as the inability to browse the web in landscape mode.

The new feature though is the improved multi-tasking functionality of the iPad. Now you can do all three simultaneously. If you want to read an eBook, reply to an email or shoot an image then you just need to launch an app. All you need to do to switch between them is to tap on the screen where you wish to start each one. You can see this in action at my blog by clicking on any of the images.

iBooks has been given a huge overhaul. You no longer have to download individual books to your ipad. Instead, all you have to do is add an ipod app. This new feature will allow users to access their existing library of thousands of books including newly released ones. There are more than a thousand new books to choose from including classics like The Chronicles of Narnia and Harry Potter as well as more recent releases like The Dark Knight Rises.

The new version of iBooks will also support interactive features such as Airplane, interactive lists, games and more. The iPhone app will also be compatible with the newinar service from Sling. For those who are unfamiliar with Sling it is a service that allows television providers to give out tickets for regular broadcasts on their website. It is in an early stage and may not be widely available in the UK or the US.

The new app that I am sure that everyone has their eye on is the launch of Nintendo’s first Android TV app called “The Crunchyote.” Crunchyote will be available at a discounted price for those who sign up for the special deal when it goes live. In addition, all of the Crunchyote channels are free to watch. Those interested in subscribing but are on a tight budget can still do so by simply purchasing the free iOS 4G.

The other two Android TV apps that are worth looking out for are Sky HD and Vue. These are developed by third-party companies so the quality should be similar to what you would get from your home PC or laptop. Sky HD and Vue are definitely worth checking out if you want the full picture of HD television. Vue has been given a 4K upgrade and is expected to come out in the autumn of next year. This means that although the price may have risen, you won’t be able to enjoy high definition TV like you would be able to with the new iPhone. Sky HD on the other hand has the added advantage of being able to view content in the native format of the iPhone – something which is becoming more common as HD begins to move away from laptops and mobiles.

One of the new apps that has been getting a lot of attention recently is Ty Paikat’s “Hello kitty.” This charming app offers an interactive and realistic option for watching live television on your iPad. Users can interact with the “Hello Kitty” character by answering questions and interacting with pictures of the cartoon cats. If you are looking for something a little different, this is an excellent option that will fit into your lifestyle and add some zest to your daily life.

As we have mentioned before, one of the most exciting things about the iPad is its compatibility with third party applications. Many people are now creating highly interactive applications for their iPhone and iPad which take advantage of the smaller form factor but offer functionality similar to that offered by the larger iSiri, SIRI and area television applications. In many cases, you will find that the small screen size of the iPad isn’t enough to make full use of these programs. The good news is that there are now hundreds of great examples of these programs available for download straight from the App Store. So if you are looking for something new to watch on your iPhone or iPad, don’t forget to check out the apps for the iPod Touch, iPhone and iPad. You won’t regret it!