Himalayan pink salt (ahi-toong) comes from the crystal salt mineral known as “selsara” or “ahyma” in the Hindu and Buddhist cultures. Pink salt is also known as pink salt or pink mineral salt. It can be found in different areas around Asia like Thailand, India, China, and Tibet. Although it can be found all over the world, the most expensive variety is mined in the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains.

pink himalayan salt

Himalayan salt has a pinkish color due to the presence of iron oxide, calcium carbonate, and traces of manganese and sodium. However, these trace amounts of minerals are too small to be noticed on the surface of the crystal salt. Himalayan salt also contains a small amount of zinc and manganese. The chemical composition of this type of mineral is very similar to that of calcium carbonate, except that it contains fewer minerals other than iron oxide.

Some claim that Himalayan pink salt contains trace minerals that make it more beneficial than regular table salt. For instance, some experts say that the mineral content of this type of salt contains less sodium and more magnesium, trace elements, iron, and potassium. However, others say that sodium and chloride present in regular table salt are just as important as iron and potassium. Salt has no significant effects on cardiovascular health, as many people believe.

The first place to find himalayan pink salt is in the Khewra Salt Mine in Pakistan. This particular mine was believed to have been formed by nature’s “biggest sponge” since millions of years ago. Scientists were astonished when they found the salt in cores taken from the mine. It came as quite a surprise to scientists since the pH level of the water was found to be very high (6.4).

There have been several studies about the effects of pink Himalayan salt on various illnesses. For instance, it has been found that it increases the resistance of our cells against viruses and bacteria. In addition to this, the mineral makes the heart work at a normal pace. It can also reduce the occurrence of high blood pressure. Other benefits associated with this salt include reducing cholesterol and improving circulation.

Although there are many benefits of pink Himalayan salt, it is still necessary to look for it in its natural state. There have been several reports about the trace minerals found in this type of salt being removed during the process of production. Although this is a natural process, one should not be mislead into thinking that the salt will no longer have any beneficial effects on human health. Although there have been reports stating that there have been cases whereby mineral traces have been removed during this process, such situations are highly rare. This is one reason why most countries have been known to follow strict laws regarding the minimum amount of trace minerals that should be present in their table salt.

The health benefits associated with pink Himalayan salt are due to its high levels of magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, manganese and zinc. These minerals make the body stronger and healthier. However, there are certain recommendations that must be followed when using this table salt. First, it is important to note that there should be an adequate level of magnesium in the body since insufficient levels can cause the onset of serious diseases such as cardiovascular problems and osteoporosis. Another recommendation is that when using this salt, it is important to eat foods rich in magnesium such as red meat, legumes, nuts, seeds, dried beans, spinach, and beans.

A high blood pressure may also be treated effectively by using pink Himalayan salt. Since this salt contains a considerable amount of sodium, it may reduce the excess sodium in the body, thus preventing the onset of high blood pressure. To prevent heart diseases, it is recommended that sodium must be avoided as much as possible and regular consumption of table salt should be substituted with this natural alternative.